The Vision

GLU resources create fun and meaningful experiences where kids can encounter God’s love and build the kind of faith that sticks.

GLU recognizes that kids learn best through playing and creating, and therefore offers interactive, multi-sensory experiences instead of worksheets or lectures. Each resource is steeped in the message that God loves everyone and seeks to transform us, so that we might transform the world with God’s love.

GLU resources are based on the Bible—the inspired Word of God through which God still speaks to us today—and point to a Trinitarian understanding of God as Father/Creator, Son/Redeemer, and Holy Spirit/Sustainer.

The Visionary

Rev. Carol A. Van Buskirk is a United Methodist Deacon with a passion for transforming the world with God’s inclusive love.

Carol has a seminary degree from Claremont School of Theology, with an emphasis in religious education and worship arts. Over more than 15 years in hands-on kids ministry at the local-church level, Carol has created a wide variety of curriculum and other resources for nurturing kids in the Christian faith.

In August 2023, Carol launched God Loves U Kids (GLU for short) as a platform to make these resources available for children’s workers everywhere to utilize with their own kids.

GLU is not just a one-woman show, however. This ministry is made possible by a host of kids, volunteers, and supporters who have tested out the materials and contributed ideas, feedback, and other gifts.


Have any questions? Suggestions? Ideas? We are all ears and happy to help!

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